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At The Farms our residents are experts on the art of senior living

Join us at The Farms at Bailey Station and discover the fine art of senior living. Lifestyle, lasting friendships, and peace of mind—it’s all waiting for you to explore! Come enjoy hors d’oeuvres and wine, and mingle with some of the residents who live here. Plus, you’ll have the chance to schedule a tour to see their homes as well as The Farms campus. Bring a friend and your questions, and don’t miss it!

The Farms resident sitting in the diner

The Farms at Bailey Station

3300 S. Houston Levee Rd.
Collierville, TN 38017

General Information

(901) 779-8200

Information about Living at The Farms

(901) 328-4850

Marketing Office Hours

Monday - Friday from 8:30 - 5:30 and Saturday by appointment

Jordan River Health Campus at The Farms at Bailey Station

10001 Crooked Creek Rd.
Collierville, TN 38017

General Information

(901) 779-8230

Information about our Levels of Care at Jordan River Health Campus

(901) 779-8203

Contact Us

The Farms at Bailey Station, a sister community to Kirby Pines, is part of the family of LifeCare Communities of Retirement Companies of America. For more information, visit retirementcompanies.com